A lot of college of education freshers have approached our news desk with concerns about what to wear on their reporting date.
Many have expressed confusion as they are unsure about the appropriate attire for the occasion.
To address these concerns, we would like to use this article to notify all college of education freshers that the college prospectus given them clearly reveals the required dress code.
SEE ALSO: Reporting Date for Colleges of Education Freshers
If you refer to your prospectus, you will find that you have been instructed to either wear a white shirt paired with black or blue-black trouser or skirt.
So, kindly wear the attire which have been specified in your prospectus. That is the reason why the college asked you to purchase them.
Avoid wearing any clothing that will make you stand out or appear out of place.
Remember, your reporting day marks the beginning of your college journey, and it is important to represent yourself as a dedicated student.
SEE ALSO: Things You Should Know about Colleges of Education As A Fresher
Moreover, do not forget to pack some appropriate clothes for attending church services. It is recommended to have a separate set of nice clothes specifically for these occasions.
The uniforms that must be provided by the college would be given to you at the right time.
Take note that only electrical gadgets mentioned in your prospectus ( Including a laptop) are permitted on campus.
Any unauthorized devices will be subject to seizure during the inspection conducted on your reporting day.
SEE ALSO: Teacher Trainee Allowance: The Myth Vrs Reality
We hope that this article clarifies the dress code concerns and guides you as a fresher in preparing for your reporting date.