CETAG Strike: TTAG Urges Teacher Trainees to Remain Calm, Issues Ultimatum


The Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana (TTAG) has issued a statement urging teacher trainees to remain calm as the association continues to engage with the government regarding the ongoing strike by the Colleges of Education Teachers’ Association of Ghana (CETAG).

In the statement released on July 21st, 2024, TTAG highlighted the positive developments in the ongoing negotiations between CETAG and the government, including;

  • Paying one month’s salary to each CETAG member for additional duties performed in 2022.
  • Paying agreed-upon allowances to deserving CETAG members.
  • Establishing a committee with CETAG representatives to expedite the migration process.

“We are confident that these processes will be swift, allowing our tutors to return to the classroom soon,” TTAG stated

READ ALSO: [AUDIO]: CETAG Strike, Here is the latest Update

While acknowledging the importance of CETAG’s grievances and appreciating their dedication to education, TTAG appealed to the tutors to consider returning to the classroom while negotiations continue.

“While we continue to engage the Government, we humbly appeal to our respected tutors to consider returning to the classroom as soon as possible while ongoing efforts are made to address the issues at hand,”

READ ALSO: Allowances: Education Minister Assures Trainees of Prompt Payment of Arrears

However, a firm ultimatum was issued by TTAG: “if the government fails to meet the outstanding demands by Wednesday, July 24th, 2024, we will deem this as a deliberate attempt to deny trainees their educational rights, and we will advise ourselves accordingly.

SEE ALSO: TTAG Threatens Nationwide Protest Over CETAG Strike

CETAG has been on strike since June 14th, 2024, demanding the full implementation of their conditions of service as ordered by the NLC.

According to the association, they will not return to the classroom until the government fully fulfills their demands.

READ ALSO: CETAG Strike Continues: High Court Adjourns Injunction Case, Press Conference Planned

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