CETAG Declares Indefinite Strike


The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has declared an indefinite strike effective Friday, June 14th, 2024.

The strike action affects all 46 public colleges of education in Ghana and is the result of the government’s failure to comply with National Labour Commission (NLC) decisions and orders.

In a letter dated June 14, 2024, CETAG revealed that the government has failed to implement agreed-upon compensation for additional duties performed in 2022, apply university allowance rates to CETAG members, and implement a completed staff audit exercise.

SEE ALSO: CETAG Rejects GTEC Migration Plan, Threatens Strike

The association also cited the government’s failure to pay research allowance arrears and unilaterally varying CETAG’s office-holding positions and allowances.

CETAG stated that these actions violate the Harmonised Statutes for Colleges of Education and the 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

According to CETAG, they have attempted to engage with the government to resolve these issues, but their efforts have been unsuccessful.

“CETAG has taken all the necessary steps to ensure compliance by the Employer but the Employer has failed or refused to implement the above orders”

SEE ALSO: 3 Tertiary Teacher Unions To Strike on June 21

The association also stated it has written three letters to the NLC requesting enforcement of its orders, but has not received a response.

CETAG has therefore urged all members to comply with the strike declaration and withdraw teaching and related services indefinitely.

“CETAG wishes to call on every member to immediately comply with this declaration by withdrawing teaching and related services indefinitely across all 46 Public colleges of education until all the orders arising from the Compulsory Arbitration Awards and Related  concerns are fully implemented by way of payments to our members and implementation thereof ”

Read the Release from CETAG Below;

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