Moses Coleman is a very simple and humble man whose heartbeat is to see humanity smiles. Everywhere he finds himself, He makes sure people around him are at ease and liberty.
As a Pastor, He has impacted many lives and transformed “men of lost glories into men of dignities”. He has graciously resolved many issues and brought peace and consensus to many souls . For Leadership roles, it’s in His DNA
A man that speaks for God is the rightful person that can speak for you as well. As a responsible married man with a child , He knows what it means to take care of people.
Getting him elected means getting leadership, experience and honesty.
He is truly a man of honesty, humility, dignity and above all Hardworking.
His selfless services, devotions and dedications are but few things that should prick your Heart to vote Him as your PRO.
He is the voice of the voiceless
Vote for Coleman…
Vote for The voice of the voiceless