Date For The Payment Of Teacher and Nursing Trainees Allowance


Trainees allowance is paid by the government of Ghana as a way to cushion trainees as they pursue their programmes at the various accredited colleges in the country.

This is paid to trainees according to the number of months spent at the college. And the Number of months spent in a semester is four, hence the government pays allowances for these months.

The Allowance paid to trainees on monthly basis is no longer so. With circumstances best known to the Government, the allowance this time around is delayed and can be in arrears for months and sometimes years.

Currently, our check discloses the allowance has been in arrears for the past six months, with second-year students at the Nursing Training Institutions not paid a penny since they enrolled. This is making living excruciating for some trainees as the allowance is their only means of ‘survival’.

Our interaction with an Official (Name withheld) from SLTF on Wednesday, 1st February 2023, regarding the delays in the disbursement, revealed allowances would be paid to trainees but as to when it would be done, he cannot confirm that to our News Team.

“the disbursement would be made as soon as the government gives us the green light by releasing funds to the trust fund. For now, I cannot confirm when that would be done”, he stated.

According to him, SLTF works on the orders of the government and nothing else.

He, therefore, urged trainees to remain calm as they wait on the Ministry of Education and the Government of Ghana to sort things out with them.

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Amu Debra
Amu Debra
1 year ago

It is not accurate that only 2nd year nursing trainees have not been paid their allowance yet. My daughter and others in their final year at Goaso nursing training school haven’t received a single allowance since they entered with one semester to complete. Why is it discriminatory? Meanwhile those who entered and are in their 2nd year (3rd semester) recently received 3 months. Please check with Goaso nursing training school.