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Home CoE Past Questions

Theories in the Learning of Mathematics Past Questions

  1. What is Mathematics?
  2. Why do we teach Mathematics?
  3. What does it mean to teach and learn Mathematics?
  4. How does Mathematics relate to society?
  5. Outline and explain the importance of Mathematics to society?
  6. What is the meaning of each of the following concepts?
    a) Beliefs
    b) Attitudes
    c) Values
  7. Write a short personal philosophy of teaching and learning of Mathematics
  8. How does teacher’s values and philosophies of Mathematics influence pupils’ way of learning Mathematics?
  9. Examine the Beliefs underlying the current JHS official curriculum and inclusive classroom practices.
  10. What is the meaning of each of the following concepts?
    a) Inclusivity
    b) Equity
    c) Differentiated learning
  11. How does teacher’s Knowledge and understanding of inclusivity and equity influence their interpretation of the beliefs underlying(Early Grade, Primary Education and JHS) Mathematics curriculum?
  12. What are Ethics and Values of teaching? – teachers’ standards, child’s rights, and laws protecting children)
  13. Write short notes on the following;
    a) Socio-cultural perspectives of learning
    b) Activity theory perspectives of learning
    c) Situated cognition perspectives of learning
  14. Write short notes on the following perspectives learning:
    a) Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
    b) Friedrich Froebel, Maria Montessori
    c) Jean Piaget
    d) Jerome Bruner
  15. Outline and explain the different perspectives of the following schools of thought:
    a) Constructivism
    b) Behaviourism
    c) Cognitivism
  16. What are the implications of each of the following theories of learning?
    a) Constructivism,
    b) Behaviorism and
    c) Cognitivism
  17. How does children understand Mathematics concepts of;
    a) Size
    b) Shape
    c) Patterns
  18. How will you help children to count verbally (first forward, and then backward)?
  19. How does children identify more or less of a quantity of an object?
  20. Describe the different theoretical views on children’s developmental stages and their implications to teaching and learning of Mathematics.
  21. Outline the theories that explain physical language, speech, social, emotional, and cognitive and intellectual development.
  22. Outline and explain principles of multiple intelligences.
  23. Describe the dimensions of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences.
    a) What is/are the differences between multiple intelligence and learning styles?
  24. Outline how the dimensions of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences can be used in teaching early grade children.
  25. Outline and analyze the different factors that affect teaching and learning of Mathematics in JHS(teachers’ knowledge of major factors that affects early grade children’s learning of mathematics, teachers’ knowledge of learner-teacher ratio factor, attitude, anxiety, etc).
  26. Define the following terms
    a) Emotional intelligence
    b) Social intelligence
  27. Outline and analyze the different roles that teachers play in developing children’s emotional intelligence.
  28. What social qualities are to be nurtured in children in promoting effective learning of Mathematics in JHS classroom?
  29. Outline and explain the Qualities of social intelligence of learners in Early Grade classroom (acceptance, tolerance, striving for goal, etc).

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Yagar madibam Jacob
Yagar madibam Jacob
1 year ago

Good job

[Past Question]: Introduction to Language and Literacy - Coleman Publications
1 year ago

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