[PDF]: Download ICT Integration in Education Past Questions


The rise of the information age has highlighted the crucial role that information, knowledge, and technology can play in driving socio-economic development.

The effective utilization of information and knowledge has become a critical factor for rapid economic growth, wealth creation, and overall improvement in socio-economic well-being. It is imperative that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) be integrated into all learning activities within schools, across various subjects.

The objectives for students’ ICT usage encompass the use of different ICT tools, assessing information using these tools, and developing other management skills. As ICT is intertwined within most subjects, students’ ICT-related skills are assessed through traditional school subjects.

The incorporation of ICT in education can significantly contribute to providing novel and innovative forms of support to teachers, students, and the overall learning process. With the increasing demands for a highly skilled workforce due to globalization and the information revolution, nations are placing greater emphasis on education.

The potential and benefits of incorporating ICT in education are evident. When implemented effectively, software in classrooms, for instance, can enable students to learn at their own pace, while tablets can aid in developing important digital skills and computer proficiency required to excel in our knowledge-based economy.

The program has been designed to include Digital Competence as part of basic education. The program’s key focus areas encompass ICT infrastructure, competence development, research and development, and digital teaching resources.

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